Thursday 9 October 2014

9 Interesting Facts about Sauna Bath

All we know about sauna bath this it is the best way to relax our body and mind. But taking a sauna bath helps you much more than just relaxing. In below now we are now going introduce you to some very interesting and beneficial facts about sauna for your acknowledgement.

1. Sauna helps you to increase your immunity power and production of white blood cells.

2. It helps you fight some serious diseases like heart related problems, lung diseases, high blood pressure, kidney related illness, epilepsy, thyroid hyper-function, etc.

3. The extreme sweat caused by a sauna bath flushes out all your body toxins and reduces the level of harmful ingredients like lead, copper, zinc and mercury in your body.
  Sauna Heater - SaunaCore Elite 6.0 KW sauna stove
Sauna Heater - SaunaCore Elite 6.0 KW sauna stove
4. It cleans all your dead skin tissues, pores and also very effective for acne control.
5. Sauna burns lots of calories in your body. A single sauna session can burn up to 350 calories, which is same about 30 minutes of exercising.
6. Regular sauna bath is extremely good for weight loss.
7. It improves pulmonary function of the body which ultimately helps asthma and chronic bronchitis patients.
7.5Kw SE Special Edition Sauna Heater- Stainless - Digital Controller

8. High temperature of an infrared sauna increases your normal heart rate (60-70 bpm) to 110-120 bpm which improves your cardiovascular performance and decreases the chances of heart strokes.

9. Research says sauna causes deep sleep, calms body and carries off all tension. After sauna your sleep is going to be more healthy and deeper.

Sauna is a very reliable way to keep your body healthy and out of some very serious diseases. Contact Heaters4Saunas and install sauna in your home today.

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